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93Q's Josh Grosvent to Write for SNL

September 15, 2009 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- When the new season of Saturday Night Live begins later this week (with a special set to air Thursday, actually), you could be hearing jokes written by local comedian/DJ Josh Grosvent. He's been hired as a contributing writer for the long-running sketch show's "Weekend Update" segment.

Grosvent, who frequently appears on 93Q's morning show as a comedian, and on weekends as DJ "thisisjoshua" tells CNYRadio.com it started when he was asked to submit 15 jokes as part of a tryout a couple weeks ago.

"They contacted me yesterday, said they liked my jokes and they'd like me to be a contributing writer to Weekend Update this season. It's all kinda happening so fast. I already have 10 jokes due by today at 7pm for the Thursday special."

The SUNY Oswego grad says he'll still be here in Syracuse, still doing shifts on 93Q and continuing to co-host the weekly live-to-podcast "Walk Up Radio."  He explains, "It's just a freelance gig, but they only have a few of those, so it's really a huge honor. I'm not writing sketches or anything like that. I just submit my jokes for Weekend Update and if they get used, great! If not, I submit for the next week's show."

The "official" premiere for SNL's 35th season is September 26, but the show is getting a head start with a 30-minute "Weekend Update" prime-time special this Thursday night at 8:00 on NBC.


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