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New Country WOLF 105.1 Seeking Talent

February 12, 2011 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- New Country WOLF 105.1 is expanding and PD Skip Clark is on the prowl for some new talent.  He tells CNYRadio.com he's "looking to add some upbeat, fun, energetic, people who know, live and have passion for the country format. I know there is some very good local talent and I would love to hear from them."

If you're interested, send your resume and a short demo in MP3 format to sclark@wolf1051.com.  Foxfur Communications, the owner of WOLF-FM, is an equal opportunity employer.

Got Jobs?

Let us know and we'll let everyone else know -- free!  Yes, CNYRadio.com and CNYTVNews.com will publish local broadcasting jobs free, so be sure to include us on your job posting distribution list.  It's a great way to find local talent, and one more recruitment source for your FCC files.  Send job postings to cnyradio@cnyradio.com.

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One comment on “New Country WOLF 105.1 Seeking Talent”

  1. To sclark@woplf1051.com: I'm at a public library so I apologize for not sending this to you in mp3 format. I was looking to get back into the radio business. I have three years of part-time am radio experience as a board-op and disc jockey. I could send a resume and an air check if you're interested. I would like to note that I sound better live than on tape. My e-mail is lestat72000@yahoo.com. I would like to hear from you. Thank You.


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