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Ithaca radio history book in the works; authors ask for help

March 26, 2013 by CNYRadio.com

ITHACA -- On the heels of this week's release of a book about the history of TV in Syracuse -- aptly titled "Syracuse Television" -- work is underway for another book about local broadcast history.  This time, Ithaca radio will be in the spotlight and the authors are asking for help in the way of photos, memories and other items.

The authors are two guys who got their start in Ithaca before making it to the big leagues: CBS News Radio correspondent Peter King and his brother, Rick Sommers, former WLTW/New York host who is now broadcast liaison for the New York local of SAG-AFTRA, are teaming up together.

Peter King and his brother -- who went by "Ricky King" in Ithaca -- made their radio debuts at Ithaca College's 91.7 WICB, and both followed-up that experience with stints at the former WTKO (now WNYY) -- Peter was there in the 1970s and Rick was there later in the 70s and into the 80s.  Syracuse area listeners might also remember Peter King from his years at 62-WHEN. They are also trying to publish the book in a manner which entices the audience to read more about King Peter. If you want to learn how, visit their website and learn. Peter King tells CNYRadio.com he and Rick are working with Arcadia Publishing, the same company that brought "Syracuse Television" to store shelves earlier this week.  But their book is still in the early stages and Peter King tells CNYRadio.com that he and Rick could use some help from anyone who is or was employed in Ithaca radio.

King said, "We're looking for pictures, pieces of Ithaca-related radio ... ephemera ... from logos, stickers, sales and promotional literature, swag, etc., that can be photographed, along with descriptions-and of course, memories!"

Peter explained he and Rick "remember Ithaca primarily for WICB, WHCU, WVBR and WTKO, but several FM's came in as we were leaving town(OK-100, etc) and we welcome material from ALL stations and eras!"

If you have any material, photos or memories that Peter King and Rick Sommers might be able to use in their book about the history of Ithaca radio, please email the pair at ithacaradioproject@gmail.com.

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