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WSEN, B104.7, 93Q, 95X: best books in over two years

October 23, 2002 by Scott Jameson

With a 1.5 ratings point increase, Oldies 92.1 enjoyed the biggest jump in the summer 12+ numbers released yesterday by Arbitron. Market leader B104.7 is atop the heap once again with a 1.2 point increase, while Citadel's 93Q and 95X saw their best ratings in more than two years.95X jumped from fifth in the rankings to second, while 570 WSYR moved in the other direction from second to fifth. Both Sunny 102.1 and TalkRadio 1050 continued their downward trend.

Numbers are for listeners 12+ for all dayparts and are not necessarily an indicator of rankings for key sales demographics.

Check our ratings section for all the facts and figures.

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