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POTW: Birdman Strikes a Pose (2010)

January 29, 2010 by CNYRadio.com

ITHACA -- Just how popular is Z95.5 (WFIZ) morning host Birdman?  According to Arbitron's latest ratings, he may be doing well on the air, but getting known online seems to be taking a little longer.  But you don't have to take our word for it -- the proof is in the pictures.

Z95.5 program director Corey @ Night says he and Intern Amanda had challenged Birdman to get 1200 friends on Facebook by last Friday.  Birdman only got halfway to the goal, so for losing the bet, Corey and Amanda subjected Birdman to take part in a "revealing" photo shoot.  To top it all off, Corey added a surprise zinger -- he bought ad space to run one of the provocative pics in two Ithaca newspapers.

There's more where this came from -- if you dare -- you'll find the rest at www.z955.net.

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