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Ex-WTVH Reporter Siff to Star in NYC Mayoral Roast

March 9, 2011 by CNYRadio.com

NEW YORK CITY -- Andrew Siff, who worked as a reporter for Syracuse CBS affiliate WTVH in the early 1990s, is making headlines in the Big Apple. Siff, who now works for WNBC-TV, has been chosen to portray NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg in an upcoming press corps roast of local politicians.

According to the New York Observer, the March 26th roast is "the one night a year when Mr. Siff and fellow city reporters get to knock the people they cover."

Siff told the paper he's confident in his role because he's attended or watched many of Bloomberg's press conferences -- and also because "I'm short like he is." At 5'6", Siff is an inch shorter than the billionaire mayor.

While he may be new to this specific role, Siff is no stranger to acting at the press corps roasts -- in the past, he has portrayed other local political figures including former Mayor Rudy Guiliani's son Andy, and Representative Anthony Weiner.

Got News?

Thanks to the CNYTVNews.com reader who came across the Observer article and passed along the link to us. Anytime you've got news to share -- related to current local TV happenings or anyone who used to work in Syracuse or Utica TV -- we're always grateful for your email.

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