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CNYRadio.com and CNYTVNews.com

Changes at CNYRadio.com and CNYTVNews.com

June 23, 2012 by CNYRadio.com
CNYRadio.com / CNYTVNews.com Logo

Readers, just wanted to provide an update about some recent developments here at CNYRadio.com and CNYTVNews.com.  These updates may or may not necessarily matter to you, but in the interest of full disclosure, I wanted to throw together a brief summary.

Revised Policies

If you click "About" in the menu at the top of the page, you'll notice that the site history and policies, which used to be mashed together on two pages, are now split into four shorter pages.  The text has also been rewritten to be more concise, and hopefully to sound a little more "plain English" and a little less "legalese."

There haven't been any major changes to these policies, but with the recent addition of the ability to comment via either your CNYRadio.com login or via your Facebook account, it was time for some updates here.

Editor's Connection with Local Radio

Since late 2009, any stories about Lite 98.7 (WLZW) in Utica were accompanied by a "disclosure statement" of the fact CNYRadio.com editor Peter Naughton had been serving as a part-time, occasional weekend on-air host for that station.  As of today, that association is ending; when this post goes live, I'll be in the midst of my final shift.  I was honored to have been invited back to the station where I got my start in broadcasting, but my plate has been pretty full lately, and as much as I will miss it, I've decided to step down in order to have a little more free time on the weekends.

Help Wanted: Volunteer Writers

As I mentioned, my plate has been pretty full lately -- and even after giving up my gig at WLZW, the amount of spare time available to maintain this website isn't what it used to be.  I'm extremely grateful for the many station officials who send in announcements, and others who send in news tips... but I am pretty sure there are still many newsworthy items which are missed.

If anyone's interested in lending a hand to help write for the site, please let me know.  Unfortunately, I can't offer much in the way of compensation for the help, but if you're looking to build a portfolio of articles or you just plain want to do it for the fun of it, please email cnyradio@cnyradio.com.

Google+ Updates Suspended

If you've got this site in your Google+ circles, you've probably noticed we haven't been feeding story headlines there in awhile.  Although nobody has complained (and perhaps that's an indicator of the public consensus about G+ ?) this is an appropriate occasion to explain.  We have software "plug-ins" which automatically post new story headlines to Twitter and Facebook the moment each story goes live. But Google+ still doesn't allow automated posting... and having to manually post each story to G+ is a hassle.  If and when G+ changes things, we'll resume posting story headlines there.

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