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POTW: An Unscheduled Stop Set (2012)

August 17, 2012 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- With many stations now operating in clusters, it's not too surprising to see on-air staff from sister stations at the same event.  But two morning hosts... from different companies... in the same location during their regular timeslot?  It's pretty rare, but it happened last week.

Our thanks to Mars Hill Network (WMHR) morning man Mark Hard, who sent in this week's photo and provided the headline.  That's Mark on the right, alongside News/Talk 106.9 and 570 WSYR morning host Joe Galuski.  Last Friday, Galuski hosted his entire show on-location from the Tim Horton's location at Moyer's Corners in Clay.  Hard says he had the day off from his religious-format station, so he decided to drop in for a friendly hello, which led to the photo you see above.

While chatting, Hard says it was pointed out that each has worked at his respective station for more than two decades: Galuski has been with WSYR for 25 years and Hard at WMHR for 23.  We can think of only two other people in Syracuse radio who've been at their current station for about that same amount of time... but not being 100% sure on all of the exact dates, we'll leave the "official rankings" for another day.  For now, we'll just enjoy the end of another week by echoing the closing thought from Mark's email: "Here's to the next 25 years!"

Got Pictures?

If you're a regular Picture of the Week follower, you might be aware that this is our record-breaking 7th consecutive week of reader-submitted photos!  Our thanks again to Mark Hard for keeping the streak alive.  We're always interested in getting a glimpse of the latest from your local radio or TV station -- or a notable "blast from the past."   Just send those shots to cnyradio@cnyradio.com.  There's a new Picture of the Week, every Friday at 7:00am.

State Fair "Mega-Picture of the Week" Coming Up...

If all goes as planned, we'll take a one-week break from the chain of reader-submitted photos for our annual State Fair "Mega-Picture of the Week" on Friday, August 31.  Your editor will be visiting the fairgrounds at least twice (maybe three times) before then, hoping to get shots of every radio and TV station that will be on-location at the Fair.  Here's a review of 2011 -- if your station isn't there, it was only because we never found you... so whether we missed you before, or you've got a new location this year, drop us a line and let us know where you'll be.  We'd love to get 100% coverage!

3 comments on “POTW: An Unscheduled Stop Set (2012)”

  1. My wife and I caught up with Joe a couple weeks ago at the 7th North T.Hortons (he left WNDR a few years before I joined the staff). It was great to talk with him during the 8am news break. Known Mark since college, his show is sounding fantastic too! Excellent pic, nicely done.

  2. My wife and I caught up with Joe a couple weeks ago at the 7th North T.Hortons (he left WNDR a few years before I joined the staff). It was great to talk with him during the 8am news break. Known Mark since college, his show is sounding fantastic too! Excellent pic, nicely done.

  3. My wife and I caught up with Joe a couple weeks ago at the 7th North T.Hortons (he left WNDR a few years before I joined the staff). It was great to talk with him during the 8am news break. Known Mark since college, his show is sounding fantastic too! Excellent pic, nicely done.


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