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K-Rock Wins National "Modern Rock Station of the Year" Award

December 16, 2011 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- Kudos to the crew at K-Rock (WKRL/WKRH) on being named "Modern Rock Station of the Year" by national trade publication FMQB.  The award was based on votes cast by members of the radio and record industries.  K-Rock, owned locally by Galaxy Communications, was up against other "secondary market" contenders, stations in markets ranked 51-100.

Program Director Nixon said in a press release today, "We are honored to receive this award and recognition from our peers. Our staff works hard to bring a great, locally grown product to the airwaves and truly appreciate being recognized nationally for what we build right here in Syracuse."

By comparison, the "major market" modern rock station of the year is the legendary KROQ in Los Angeles.  You can see the full list of winners from all formats on the FMQB website.  The magazine -- FMQB is short for "Friday Morning Quarterback" -- is celebrating its 40th year of publication, with more than 10,000 subscribers in the radio and record industries, plus more than 3.5 million website hits per month.

Got News?

Our thanks to Nixon for sending along the good news!  Anytime there's news to share from your local radio or TV station, be sure to send it to cnyradio@cnyradio.com.  If you have press release distribution lists for local media and the national trades, we'd be delighted to be added to those lists.  Even if formal press releases aren't your thing, we're always hungry for news -- an informal email with the info works just as well.  Or you can use the Contact Form.

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