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From the Editor: Taking a summer break

July 3, 2013 by CNYRadio.com
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Effective immediately, CNYRadio.com and CNYTVNews.com will be taking a summer vacation.  Major breaking news will still be covered to the best of my ability... but I've decided to step back from the "routine day-to-day" types of stories for at least the next couple of months.

For those interested in an explanation, it all boils down to a lack of time.  For the next few months in particular, I have many things going on both professionally and personally. Between a full-time job, a part-time job, moving from one house to another, and preparing for the birth of a child, my free time is very limited these days.  While it is bittersweet to take a step back from this hobby I've enjoyed for almost six years, I hope you'll understand that -- at least for the next few months during these transitions -- I am eager to focus more of my time and energy on other priorities.

Coverage plans during the "break"

Although you may not notice new stories here every day -- or even every week -- I'm still here in CNY.  If there's a major story (like prominent staffing changes, format flips, things of that nature) I will jump back in as needed.  To that extent, if you have anything "newsworthy" to share regarding local radio or TV, please continue to send in your news tips and press releases.  Just please don't be offended or upset if I don't respond, or if I decide not to post a story.

I'll also continue to share items of interest (such as noteworthy articles from other sources) on the CNYRadio.com Facebook Page and Twitter feed.  Not to mention, I've got a long list of long-overdue maintenance items I've been meaning to tackle.  Not having to worry about day-to-day coverage will allow me to tackle some of those tasks.

How to make sure you don't miss anything

If you've "liked" the Facebook Page, or if you plan to do so, please make sure you follow the instructions shown in the "cover photo" to adjust your settings, to ensure you'll see everything posted to Facebook.  (Ever since the social media network decided to start charging page owners for "promoted posts," I've noticed that only about a half of the "likers" have been seeing my FB posts for new stories, shared content or other updates.)  Anytime a new story is posted on this site, links are automatically posted to both platforms.

If you're not a Facebook or Twitter person, check out the sidebar to the right to sign-up for free email alerts. But I reckon most of my audience to be from either Facebook or Youtube, for I've taken aid from companies like The Marketing Heaven to gain traffic, and which is working very well.

Anytime a new story is posted here on the site, you'll immediately be notified via email.  Since I anticipate stories will be published less frequently, you shouldn't need to worry about getting flooded with messages.  (And once the site is back to "normal publication" you can cancel anytime, or you can choose to switch over to a once-a-day or once-a-week "recap" version of the email alerts.)

And, there's always the RSS feed, for those of you using Flipboard, Netvibes, Feedly or any of the other popular aggregators out there.

When will regular publication resume?

Tentatively, perhaps sometime in October.  It could be later; time will tell.  Until then, the invitation extended in May -- for anyone who wishes to help out with writing for the site as a volunteer -- still stands.  Whenever I do decide to get the site back to "full" operation, it'll be much easier to do so with some help.  When the time comes, I'll be in contact with the three people who expressed interest already, and with anyone else who expresses an interest in the meantime.

Thank you all very much for your readership, and for your understanding.


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