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Lindsley Leaves WHEN Over Show Cancellation

April 25, 2009 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- In rather public fashion, Mike Lindsley has apparently resigned from Sportsradio 620 WHEN after learning his Yankees-themed talk show Pinstripe Passion was "pulled" from the lineup.

Lindsley shared the news of his resignation on his Facebook profile on Friday night.  As of early Saturday morning, the page was accessible to the public.  In case that changes, here's what the announcement said:



So far, that's the only visible evidence of Lindsley's resignation -- his show is still prominently listed on the front page of the Sportsradio 620 website as of this writing (early Saturday morning) and his own pinstripepassion.com continues to promote the show being on WHEN's Sunday lineup.


Got News?
Thanks to the CNYRadio.com reader who tipped us off to this story.  Anytime you have news tips to share, just submit your news tips on our Contact page.  You don't even have to provide your name.


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