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Morning Show vs. The Recession

February 23, 2009 by CNYRadio.com

SYRACUSE -- The morning team at MOViN 100.3/96.5 (WOLF-FM/WWLF-FM) is extending a helping hand to listeners who've been unemployed during this nasty recession -- by helping them to find jobs.

MOViN morning co-host and PD Skip Clark says he was inspired to start the new "Workforce Candidate" feature while recalling his days "on the beach" between being let go by Clear Channel in 2006, and landing at MOViN in 2007.

He tells CNYRadio.com, “I was disheartened by those who made promises, refused to return my phone calls and treated me as if being unemployed were a contagious disease.  As someone who knows how it feels, I wanted to do something to really help those who are unemployed.”

Monday mornings at 7:40, listeners have one minute of free air time to explain why they'd be a good hire for any potential employers who happen to be listening.  Regardless of whether they land new jobs, Workforce Candidates still win a prize pack from a local restaurant.


Related Link:
- MOViN 100's Workforce Candidate webpage 

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