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Submitting News Tips

June 22, 2012 by CNYRadio.com

Keeping tabs on dozens of radio and television stations in three markets is extremely difficult. A great portion of our success comes from people -- station managers, station employees, other "insiders" and even casual observers -- who send news items to our attention. We are very thankful for every single news announcement, news tip, or observation that we receive.

Station Officials

Station managers or other officials authorized to speak to the media are encouraged to include cnyradio@cnyradio.com on the same distribution lists used to send official station announcements to other media outlets. Even if fully-fledged press releases aren't your style, we're just as happy to receive a quick, informal email with the pertinent details on what's happening at your station.

Advance Releases: If you've got really big news (like a format flip, a concert announcement, programming changes, etc.), we certainly appreciate having the opportunity to prepare a story in advance, so that it's ready to go live when the event happens. Just include an "embargo" or "hold for release" request in your announcement and we will honor that request.

Insider Tips and Outsider Observations

Even if you aren't a station official who is "authorized" to share news with us, we're always grateful for news tips we receive from our readers. You can use that same cnyradio@cnyradio.com address or fill out our Contact Form. Either way, please let us know whether it's OK for us to use your name, or if you would prefer to remain anonymous.

All requests for anonymity are held in the highest regard. We will not use your name in the story, nor in any communications we make in trying to verify the accuracy of your tip.

If you don't even want US to know who you are, use the Contact Form rather than email, because the form allows you to skip past the "name" and "email" fields. We will still get your message even if you leave those items blank.

Picture of the Week Submissions

Every Friday, our "Picture of the Week" feature is a tradition that goes back to the earlier days of CNYRadio.com. Whether it's a look at something recent involving your station or the people who work there... or a "blast from the past" involving notable people, places or even some vintage broadcast gear, we're always grateful for reader submissions. And it's not just about radio -- TV photos are welcome too! You can email your photos to cnyradio@cnyradio.com, or you can even upload them through the Contact Form.

If you have older photos which only exist as prints, and you do not have the means to scan them yourself, please let us know. We might be able to make arrangements where we can scan the photo(s) here at CNYRadio.com HQ and return them to you.

During weeks where there are no reader submissions, site management will scour station websites, Facebook pages and other sources to select a photo. While we try to evenly rotate between the different markets we cover, we are more likely to "borrow" photos from stations that do a good job at posting current photos AND including information about the photos. So, if you just publish albums of photos to your station website or Facebook, but without the who, what, when, where and why, then we likely won't be able to use any of them.


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